neurological imaging at sperling

The brain: Our body’s “Crown Jewel”

The brain is the organ that centralizes and controls the functions of the nervous system throughout the body.
Many diseases were long known to originate with head injury or internal disturbances, but it was not safe to open the skull and examine the brain. Thanks to sophisticated MRI, we can now evaluate disorders like Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, benign tumors and brain cancer. In addition, MRI can identify damage due to physical trauma such as concussion, or internal trauma due to strokes.

The Sperling Diagnostic Center: Unsurpassed neurological imaging

The Sperling Diagnostic is one of a very small number of U.S. centers equipped with the latest generation of high-strength MRI equipment (the magnet). It is equipped with special features for ultra-fast brain scanning and greater detail.
If your doctor observes symptoms of a brain or neurological problem, a referral for MRI can raise anxiety. Our Center helps create peace of mind by making the process shorter, quieter and more comfortable, with the assurance that expert radiological readers will interpret the results. We provide an authoritative diagnosis which is essential for treatment planning.

Head Trauma & Diffusion Tensor Imaging

A blow or trauma to the head can lead to an injury called a concussion. Much publicity has surrounded the issue of athletes, especially football players, and the long-term effects of concussion. It is essential that concussion be diagnosed as soon as possible in order to assure proper treatment and recovery.

Using a special technology called Diffusion-tensor imaging (DTI-MRI), a scan can reveal what’s going on in the brain as it tries to cope with the injury. DTI-MRI tracks the movement of water molecules along axons (nerve fibers). Areas with efficient repair will show up with more water molecule movement, whereas those with unrepaired structural brain damage will show up with disrupted flow. DTI thus shows areas of the brain that are making repairs vs. those where injury lingers. Patients with a high proportion of ongoing repair activity are likely to recover completely within a year or less. For those with damage that the brain can’t seem to repair, more treatment will be needed – and the sooner, the better.

Other Uses for Neurological MRI

Neuroimaging with MRI has virtually unlimited applications for detecting problems in the brain, head, neck, spinal cord and peripheral neurologic system. To give you an idea, here are some of the current uses:

  • Injury to the brain from external damage (concussion, swelling of the brain)
  • Internal injury from stroke (blockage or bleeding)
  • Benign tumors
  • Malignant tumors
  • Degenerative neurological disorders (dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, ALS, Parkinson’s disease, etc.)
  • Spinal cord
  • Inner ear problems
  • Skull base and neck
  • Jaw and mouth problems
  • Multiple sclerosis

In addition, our imaging can be used to guide targeted neurological biopsies when needed.

Healthy or Unhealthy Brain Structures

Our magnet identifies abnormal brain conditions by utilizing scan sequences that are standard-of-care yet set a new benchmark beyond current practice. Depending on each person’s needs, sequences can be used alone or combined for the most accurate results.


Precise detail of brain structures and their relation to each other



Motion of water molecules differentiates between healthy and unhealthy tissues



Movement of blood as it passes through blood vessels